Thursday, May 20, 2010

“Five Food Nightmares”

There are plenty of bad foods out there. From restaurants, to grocery stores, to your own kitchen – plenty of silent killers prey on your body, immune system, ability to concentrate, and vital organs. So, where do we begin in eliminating them? Let’s go through five of the worst foods, ingredients, and substances that you can consume. Try to eliminate these from your diet — and notice the positive effects of it on your focus levels, athletic ability, sleep schedule, and beyond. Be Well!

Hydrogenated Fats

These are mostly man-made fats used in bakery items and stick margarine. Studies have shown that it isn’t necessarily how much fat there is in your diet that causes problems, but rather the crucial question is what kind of fat — and hydrogenated fats are the worst. Avoid buying cookies, crackers, baked goods or anything else that has hydrogenated oil on the ingredient list. So far, hydrogenated fats don’t have to be listed on the nutrition panel as saturated fats do, but several notable health organizations are currently campaigning to change that.


Olestra is a fake fat, used to make non-fat potato chips and other snacks. You’d think, with all the bad rap fat has gotten, a non-fat fat would be great. But Olestra has been shown to bind with fat-soluble vitamins A, E, D and K and carotenoids — substances thought to keep the immune system healthy and prevent some cancers — and to eliminate them from your system. Proctor & Gamble, the company that produces olestra, has acknowledged the problem with vitamins A, E, D and K and is now fortifying Olestra with them. Olestra has also caused digestive upset in a significant portion of people, especially when they eat a lot of it. And, not surprisingly, it’s not just fat in the potato chips that causes problems for people; it’s the fact that these potato chips are displacing healthier foods, such as fruit, so Olestra is further perpetuating some significantly unhealthy habits. (As a side note, I cannot eat Olestra. I’ve tried potato chips in the past, and immediately get sick. What are some of your experiences with Olestra?)


Many foods, specifically cured meats like bacon and hot dogs, use nitrates to preserve color and maintain microbial safety. Nitrate is harmless, but it often converts to nitrite, which can form nitrosamines, a powerful cancer-causing chemical, in your body. Whenever possible, look for nitrate-free preserved meats. When you do eat foods containing nitrates, have a glass of orange juice at the same time (for instance, orange juice with your morning bacon). Vitamin C is known to inhibit the conversion to nitrosamines in your stomach.


This one item has created more problems than all the rest put together. Of course, it is possible to consume alcohol wisely and safely and enjoy it immensely, such as a fine glass of wine with a delicious dinner. But even if you exercise caution in no other area of your diet, this is the area where you should. You all know the statistics on alcohol consumption, liver failure, obesity problems, cognitive issues, and more — not to mention the potential societal hazards like drunk driving.


Drinking soda is a poor way to get fluids. They are full of sugar or artificial sweeteners and often contain caffeine, artificial colors and scientifically-produced flavors. Substitute homemade soda by mixing sparkling water with fresh, 100 percent juice. The taste will be better than drinking “plain” water, and by using truly 100% juice, you avoid many of the dangerous chemicals otherwise found in soft drinks and discount juices.

This article was written by Bobby DeMuro, the Founder and Chairman of FusionSouth. FusionSouth is the premier mobile fitness firm in Charlotte, specializing in personal training and sports conditioning. You can find out more about them here

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