First, we need to come to the realization that food science and marketing in recent decades has crowded all of the REAL food out of our grocery stores to the point that at LEAST 90% of everything in a modern-day grocery store is NOT true food anymore...
The so-called "food" that lines our grocery store shelves nowadays is better termed -- "Edible Food-Like Substances", as the highly respected nutrition journalist Michael Pollan calls it.
Our food supply has become so overly processed, that it's not uncommon for a simple snack food to contain a list of 20-30 ingredients of additives, chemicals, flavorings, colorings, high fructose corn syrup, MSG, artificial sweeteners, and more.
However, it CAN be easy to avoid ALL of this junk by following my 1 simple rule of eating healthy... and that is:
>> Eat only foods that are 1 ingredient.
Drop dead simple!
This means sticking almost solely to these:
eggs, fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, berries, and meats (only meats raised in a healthy manner)
For example, almost everything I ate today was 1 ingredient, although perhaps mixed together:
*eggs with veggies for breakfast
*snacked on fruit, berries, and nuts all afternoon
*home-made guacamole (made fresh with all single ingredients) and veggie sticks
*cooked mixed veggies, side salad, and grass-fed bison steaks for dinner
Now THIS is fat-burning nutrition made easy!
Pretty simple stuff, and all made from single ingredients instead of processed food packages with 30 ingredients or more.
Do I eat like this 100% of the time... admittedly no... BUT, if you can stick to this 1-ingredient rule at least 90% of the time, it is actually VERY simple to get as lean as you want!
A 2nd simple rule:
If your great grandparents 100 years ago wouldn't have recognized the food you're eating, don't eat it!
Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
Founder - http://TruthAboutAbs.com & http://BusyManFitness.com
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