Friday, June 25, 2010

Eight Ways To Avoid Becoming Overwhelmed

So many people we work with on a daily basis too often try to do a million things at once — and then suddenly wake up to the unpleasant reality that this just isn’t possible. You’re only human — and capable as you may be, you can only take on so much. So in the spirit of digging out from under, here are some tips for dealing with feeling overwhelmed. Track how they may relate to your fitness needs and goals, as well as your daily stress level!

Identify What Is Truly Important: A big part of feeling overwhelmed is not knowing where to start. Try to pick three areas of your life: personal, relationship and career, and write down all the nagging things that are rippling under the surface and affecting your peace of mind. This brain dump can be useful in that it shows you what really must be accomplished, so that there is not one large pile of impossibility.

Prioritize The Important Stuff: Once you identify the items in each category, rank them on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being extremely important and 1 being extremely trivial.

Decide Exactly How To Start: Of all the ‘10′ items on your to-do list decide two things. First, which ones are the most important to your life goals, values, and passions. Second, which tasks/projects, once accomplished, will give you the most satisfaction and opportunity for success.

Act On What You Planned: Break your three most important tasks into doable sub-tasks, and decide what is the next step that you could take towards its attainment. Many times, you likely feel overwhelmed because you see a mountain of responsibility in front of you. You forget that it is a process made up of lots of smaller tasks, which are victories in themselves.

Assign, Assign, Assign: As far as your sanity and time management are concerned, it is crucial to hand out tasks to trusted others that you do not need to finish yourself. Leverage high school and college students, if necessary, to handle mundane tasks that can be real time-wasters. You will get more accomplished, they will gain some real-world experience, and everybody wins!

Just Say No:
Too many people are uncomfortable with saying “no”. A reasonable way to avoid getting committed to projects you’d just as soon leave alone, is to buy yourself time — in other words, never answer immediately after the request is proposed.

Six Per Day: Pick six (not more, and not less) of your high-priority, doable tasks and do them every work day. Where will you get the most traction on the things that matter to you most? If you pick the items of utmost importance to accomplish each day, think of where you will be in just a few weeks of productivity!

Let It Go: Being overwhelmed is often a product of staying after success for a long time, not realizing that you need at least one (or, preferably two) days off per week. Think of your mind as a knife: if your mental blades are dull and rusty you can’t be very effective.

We hope you find some of these tips helpful in reducing your stress load and prioritizing your responsibilities. 

This article was written by Bobby DeMuro, the Founder and Chairman of FusionSouth. FusionSouth is the premier mobile fitness firm in Charlotte, specializing in personal training and sports conditioning. You can find out more about them here

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Flat Belly Fruits and Veggies

I want you to eat more fruits and veggies. But I also want you to understand all the powerful nutrients your body is fueled with by eating them.

My partners over at Prograde have made that nice and easy for us ;-)

Oh, and they've also got a killer drink recipe that will keep you cool this summer.
With permission, here is another awesome update from Team Prograde.

Carolina Family Healthcare

You know you should eat your fruits and veggies. Up to 10 servings of them per day, actually!
But what the heck is in them that makes 'em so good for us?

Read this one to find out:

Next, is a tasty new recipe for you that's perfect for summer. Let us know if you try it.
Protein Packed Pineapple Cooler -

Last, don't forget our MASSIVE 15% off the whole Prograde store sale is almost over. Yup, it ends tomorrow night, so be sure to get your order in TODAY.

Yours in health,
Jayson Hunter, RD, CSCS

PS - It's getting late in the week! If you haven't already, be sure to SAVE 15% on all your favorite Prograde products right now before the sale ends tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Are You Functionally Strong?

There are various reasons why you may be starting to consider the need to lift weights. Some of our clients start to improve their physique, others want to become bodybuilders, more are training for a specific sport or event, and still others just want to burn fat. Lifting weights always reminds us of bodybuilders first because that is how they spend a majority of their time working out. But training is about so much more than building bigger muscles and looking good in a competition. For the most part, it isn’t about becoming a better athlete in terms of strength, speed, or endurance.
Functional training helps a person become better at doing their daily activities. You become stronger with all your movements, so that lifting heavy loads isn’t such a burden. You train so that you can lift your groceries or your children with ease. This type of training focuses a lot on your core muscles, because those are the muscles used most in your daily routine.

So what does it take to be functionally strong? Well, to be extremely simple – not much! Basic compound exercises and lifts can make you extremely strong from a functional standpoint, and lots of lower body strength, core stability, and upper-body joint and tendon strength are essential. There are a few sure-fire ways to become functionally strong!

Get Off the Weight Machines

If you want to start performing functional training, it’s best to stay off of the weight machines. Weight machines limit your range of motion. Free weights are a better choice. The movements mimic ones that you would actually do during your day. Dumbbells are a great choice for weights. Use them in combination with compound exercises like squats, lunges, shoulder presses, and more that require the use of multiple muscle groups at one time.

Develop that Core

Core muscles are often neglected in working out, but they are essential for every task you perform. They are stabilizer muscles which help keep you upright (improved posture) and improve balance. They allow you to use your other muscles more effectively in your arms and legs. The core consists of your back and abdominal muscles and there are others that are deeper such as the tranverse abdominis. Core strength is essential to the well-being of your entire body, and any added core strength will significantly help you complete daily physical tasks! 

This article was written by Bobby DeMuro, the Founder and Chairman of FusionSouth. FusionSouth is the premier mobile fitness firm in Charlotte, specializing in personal training and sports conditioning. You can find out more about them here

A Random Fitness and Nutrition Tip

Example of the Glycemic Index (GI) being useless

In several of my newsletters in the past, I've given examples of how choosing your foods based on the glycemic index can be misleading and useless in many cases.

Case in point...

Watermelon has one of the highest measured GI's of all foods (much higher than even cake and ice cream).  However, a normal serving of cake and ice cream may give you a whopping 700 or 800 calories, whereas a typical serving of watermelon may give you 50 or 60 calories max!

Trust me... watermelon isn't making anyone fat!

The lesson... GI is almost useless when you're not considering "Glycemic Load", which also factors in the quantity of carbohydrates ingested in a typical serving.

by Mike Geary, Certified Nutrition Specialist, Certified Personal Trainer

Monday, June 14, 2010

Prograde's June Birthday Bash (Save 15 Percent)


Well, my partners over at Prograde Nutrition have done it again.
It started out as a simple little special.
But it turned into a MONSTER sale.
Yes, thanks to their CEO having his birthday in June they are putting their entire online store at 15% off this week!

All of the details, including the coupon code, are all right here:

Yours in health,
Carolina Family Healthcare

PS - In case you missed it on Friday, here is an awesome article from Prograde on The Truth About Essential Fatty Acids. It's really, really enlightening. 

PPS - Remember, Prograde's birthday bash is only for a couple of days, so be sure to get your order in RIGHT NOW before you forget.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Are Essential Fatty Acids Really Essential?

It's a very simple question. But a very important one.

If you're at all interested in your health then do NOT miss out on this article.

It's based on science, not guesswork. Yet it's easy to understand.

Check it out here:

Yours in health,
Carolina Family Healthcare

PS - Prograde is having a BIG sale on their awesome EFA Icon this coming Monday, so be sure to stay tuned for the details! I'll send them out to you as soon as I get them.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Study Shows 1 Obscure Trick to Make ANY Exercise Program or Workout MUCH More Effective

I've read about this very interesting Harvard University study about exercise multiple times in the past, but I was just recently reminded about this study again while reading the fascinating book called 59 Seconds by Richard Wiseman.

Pay attention, because this actually shows a pretty powerful trick that you can use to literally make ANY workout or exercise program a LOT more effective and results producing.

According to the book 59 Seconds, here's how this study was carried out:

Researchers at Harvard University studied over 80 hotel room cleaning attendants from 7 different hotels.  The hotel room attendants naturally received a lot of exercise from their daily jobs, which included cleaning an average of 15 rooms per day at about 25 minutes per room.  This work involves a good deal of exercise in carrying things, scrubbing, lifting objects, vacuuming, and so on.

The researchers knew the hotel maids led an active lifestyle from their work, but also questioned whether most of the maids may not realize that their work was actually good for their health.  The researchers set out to study the effects on the hotel attendants of making them very aware of how beneficial the exercise they got while working was for their health, and to see if this increased the results that they actually received from the exercise.

Basically, the question was... Would telling them that their work was great exercise improve their health, lower their blood pressure, and help them to lose weight compared to the hotel attendants that didn't realize their work was in fact "exercise"?

The hotel attendants were split into 2 groups:

1. This group was informed about the benefits of exercise and told how many calories they were burning while doing their hotel cleaning work each day. They were specifically told how many calories activities such as changing sheets, vacumming, and scrubbing bathrooms were burning each hour.

The researchers also wanted this information to stick in their heads daily, so they gave the attendants a handout showing the quantities of calories they were burning doing each activity of their jobs.  They were also shown a poster daily that reinforced how many calories they were burning.

2.  The control group of hotel cleaning attendants was simply informed of the benefits of exercise, but were NOT told how many calories they were burning doing their work, and also were NOT told that their work actually constituted a good form of exercise.
The researchers studied the existing lifestyles of all of the participants in both groups as well as giving them various health tests, including weigh-ins.

The study was conducted for 4 weeks.  The researchers made sure that none of the participants had actually changed their exercise habits, smoking, or eating habits outside of work.  This assured that there was no external lifestyle factor that could have accounted for the results of the study.

In addition, the hotel managers assured that the workloads of both groups stayed the same throughout the entire experiment.

Here are the VERY interesting results:

It turned out that the group of hotel cleaning attendants that was informed daily about the calorie-burning effects of their normal work routines ended up losing a significant amount of weight, lowered their body mass index and waist-to-hip ratio, and decreased their blood pressure.

The control group of hotel attendants that was not told about the calories they burned while doing their work showed NONE of these improvements.

Wow... very interesting huh! 

Remember that each of these groups received the SAME amount of exercise and did not alter their lifestyle, eating habits, drinking habits, smoking, or anything else.  The only thing that was different between the 2 groups was simply that the one group was constantly being reminded of how beneficial the exercise during their work was for their health and how many calories they were burning, and therefore their minds were busy believing in the benefits of it.

This actually doesn't surprise me... this is classic placebo effect at work here, and reinforces how powerful our brains are in relation to the results we get from exercise, food, supplements, etc.

How to use this info to burn more fat in your workouts, build more lean muscle, and improve your health more from exercise and nutrition

There's a good lesson in this study.  If you strongly believe in your mind that the workouts that you are doing are drastically improving your body, your results will increase dramatically from those workouts. 

The trick I've used over the years is to really "get mental" during your workouts and believe strongly that the exercise you are doing is transforming your body into a lean chiseled machine. (This is assuming that you're actually doing legit workouts such as Truth About Abs routines and not just wasting time reading a magazine while pedaling away on a boring exercise bike or treadmill).

So, if you want to burn more fat, not only do you need to workout intensely (for your individual capabilities), but you also need to mentally visualize the results you're getting, the bodyfat you are burning, and really strongly believe in how powerful the workout routine that you are doing really is for your body.

Along the same lines, if your goal is to build more muscle, then you really need to strongly believe in your mind at how powerfully your workouts are helping you to build muscle.

by Mike Geary, Certified Nutrition Specialist, Certified Personal Trainer

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Peanut Butter Banana Breakfast Shake (Easy Recipe)

If you like easy...

If you like chocolate...

If you like peanut butter...

If you like bananas...
Well, then this latest creation from my partners over at Prograde Nutrition is right up your alley.

Check it out here ==>
Yours in health,
Carolina Family Healthcare

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Five Ways To 'Green' Your Workouts

In the past, people got their workouts the old-fashioned way: getting outside. Of course, they were harvesting crops and tending fields, but you too can take your routine outdoors – with a modern twist. Walk to the market, ride your bike to work, take up hiking or gardening – all of these ideas will have you fit and toned without the investment of a gym.

If you are a gym rat, look for one that has eco-friendly qualities. Do they recycle water bottles? Do they switch off televisions when machines are not in use? And when you’re looking at exercise equipment, choose from the plethora of green alternatives to traditional products. Enjoy these five tips from FusionSouth to go green in your workouts!
Get Out

Why use your energy to run on a treadmill or stationery bike when the whole world is in front of you? Lace up a pair of running shoes and go for a jog – it’s the simplest do-anywhere workout, and all you need are shoes. If you’re not a runner, hit the local hiking trails, take your two-wheeler out for a spin, or just add a daily walk to your lunch hour!
Capture Your Energy

Fuel your body with fresh, organic food, and skip the processed foods. Go for organic energy bars that don’t include sugar or artificial colors and flavors, and that are made from fruit, nuts, fiber, protein, and natural fats. Before you exercise, fuel yourself with a snack that’s high in carbohydrates and low in fat – like pretzels – and drink lots of water. After your workout, snack on both carbohydrates and protein to replenish your energy supplies.
Team Up

Working out with others is one of the most effective ways to stick with your plan; accountability will help you both get fit faster. Finding a jogging partner, or even a personal trainer, makes it easier to schedule your workouts; even better, sign up for a group race or join a team to play soccer, softball, or any other sport. Bonus: The team will likely have a lot of the equipment already, so you can skip buying your own!

Dress Appropriately

Serious athletes wear those nice fabrics for a reason: they are designed for optimal performance and recovery. But there are eco-alternatives, too: sneakers made with recycled rubber soles, tops and pants that combine soy and organic cotton blends, and coconut shells transformed into breathable fabrics. Look for companies with sustainable business practices, like Patagonia, REI, and Nau when you are in the market for some new workout gear!
Inspire Change In Others
If you’ve decided that joining the gym is the best way to go (at least for the winter) you can still encourage your local health club to make some green changes: restrict the use of towels, invest in energy-efficient machines, offer recycling bins for water bottles (or, even better, stop selling them altogether), and set up televisions to shut off when machines aren’t in use. Some gyms harness human power to reduce bills. Also, talk to your workout partner about switching indoor workouts for weekend hikes or bike rides; you’ll be able to get a great workout while making everyone more environmentally conscious!
Use these tips, and anything more, to go green when you exercise! Who knows – you might even find exercise a little more fun than before - and the environment will thank you!

This article was written by Bobby DeMuro, the Founder and Chairman of FusionSouth. FusionSouth is the premier mobile fitness firm in Charlotte, specializing in personal training and sports conditioning. You can find out more about them here

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Truth About Exercise And Metabolism (Hard Science)

Strength training, strength training, strength training...
You hear about it all the time these days.
You hear how it's great for your Metabolism.
You hear it's imperative for that beach body you're looking for this summer.
Well, what's the real science behind it?
Does it really help?
The easy answer is right here from my partners at Prograde:
Yours in health,
PS - Yes, in case you were wondering, their awesome new Prograde Metabolism IS in stock right now.